PNH Support is a membership organisation.
Membership is free although from time to time we may ask for financial help with one of our projects, campaigns or surveys.
Members of PNH Support receive email updates about:
- PNH Support membership e.g. information about our Annual General Meeting
- events e.g. webinars, patients meetings and conferences
- opportunities to have a say about issues affecting those living with PNH including surveys, interviews and other research.
Membership is open to all those living with PNH in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (temporarily or permanently) as well as their families and carers. All members are able to vote to help shape the direction of PNH Support. Members can also have a say about other decisions which are made about things affecting them, e.g. NHS services, decisions on guidelines made by the government and other stakeholders e.g. National Institute of Heath and Care Excellence (NICE).
If you are a PNH patient (or family member of a patient) and live in the UK and would like to become a member of PNH Support, please complete the form below (we are required to collect this information by our regulator, the Charities Commission) and please read our Privacy Notice
If you have any questions about membership please send an email to